Quote Of The Day

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Pages Of Time - The Last Goodbye Part 2..

The wind blows angrily in the trees,
screaming as if to make its existence known.
But, it is drowned out by the cries of anguish,
of a woman whose spirit from this world has flown.

Her body lies limp on the grass,
as the sun beats down on her innocent face.
Her killer stands near her in silence,
shocked at the events that have taken place.

Another person's soul has fled the earth,
for the sole reason of mankind's greed.
The victim of a robbery that failed;
initiated by one more of man's seed.

Her soul now rests in a place faraway,
hidden from the prying eyes of man.
Be it Heaven or Hell is not known,
another mystery of God's great plan.

Once again God has played a strange game,
letting those who deserve to live die.
This is in memory of the millions of victims of greed,
from me to you, the last goodbye.


Anonymous said...

nothin to say xcept .. how depressing. n stop writin poems.. write a real blog 4 once!

Anonymous said...

Her soul now rests in a place faraway,
hidden from the prying eyes of man.

My fave part of the poem..like I always say..keep writin kiddo..Ur Good!

Anonymous said...

lolllllll... ure hilarious!! after such a poem... ure "amazing" comment is
"*burp*" and "nuthin to write" lollllllllllllllll....... duuuuuuuuuuuddeee!
trust the one and only farhan rehman to come up with such comments
after intense poems lik the one above..lollllllll... heaven help u ;)

Anonymous said...

like the first paragraph the best.