Sane ramblings of an otherwise insane man..
Here i am, smack in the middle of dengue infested india innit..& let me be the first to tell you that its downright 'orrible innit guvnor..Allright, i shall put my '''orrible bri'ish'' imitation away for now..Although, please do hesitate to blame me if it resurfaces later because i can't seem to get it out of my system yet..However, i fear that a visit to the washroom would be more helpful in dealing with that problem..Still, it might just be the 'palatable' (read 'blech') indian culinary that i have had the honour of sampling while on my trip here..
Moving on to more delightful subjects. It would seem that even though the britishers spent a few years here, contrary to popular belief, they have not left much of their legacy behind..Most importantly the use of sanitary means of answering 'nature's call'..It is still possible to see children, who are barely knee high, scooting naked in front of speeding cars, to end up squatting on the side of the road to attend to their business..They don't even seem to be terrified of the cars hurtling towards them..They have been toilet trained, for want of a better word, so effectively that the objective of letting it loose is upmost in their minds..Once they reach the desired spot, they just sit and stare at you as if it is the most common occurrence in the civilised world..Whoever said 'to each, his own' was correct i guess..However, I still can't understand why they have to come to the road to show of their bodies..Its not even as if one of them is a former Miss Universe who actually has something to show to people (read GUYS)..Go strut your stuff in the fields so that atleast 'I' can remain oblivious of the fact that such people exist..We are 'not' entertainment for you, neither are you entertainment for us..
Moving on to more delightful subjects. It would seem that even though the britishers spent a few years here, contrary to popular belief, they have not left much of their legacy behind..Most importantly the use of sanitary means of answering 'nature's call'..It is still possible to see children, who are barely knee high, scooting naked in front of speeding cars, to end up squatting on the side of the road to attend to their business..They don't even seem to be terrified of the cars hurtling towards them..They have been toilet trained, for want of a better word, so effectively that the objective of letting it loose is upmost in their minds..Once they reach the desired spot, they just sit and stare at you as if it is the most common occurrence in the civilised world..Whoever said 'to each, his own' was correct i guess..However, I still can't understand why they have to come to the road to show of their bodies..Its not even as if one of them is a former Miss Universe who actually has something to show to people (read GUYS)..Go strut your stuff in the fields so that atleast 'I' can remain oblivious of the fact that such people exist..We are 'not' entertainment for you, neither are you entertainment for us..
nicely done, you've acomplished what you set out to do:
write a nice blog on the hygienic habits of desi's
quite adequadely put haha
LOL! someone very obviously doesnt like the desi life!!! well, apart from the taking care of 'business' cant be all that bad!!!! but Yay for desis!!!
nice editorial. very opiniated arent u? :P nah jk, its good, but did u ever stop to think WHY they're taking care of business on the roads, and not more appropriate places?
October 31 6:20 PM
......I never thought tht hearing a description about the toilet habits of Indian children would amuse me so......Thank you....I shall look out for these bold kids whenever I visit in India..
You are so right! Toilet training is a major issue that we have overlooked in a time of war, drugs and anorexia!!...Thankyou for bringing this to the light.
seriously ...your the ones who kicked the british out and now that your plan has come back and bit you in the ass you just have to find somone to blame dont you *sigh* and our legacy wasnt toilet training your ppl we freakin well introduced the train system to india .... any indian or britisher shud knwo that :) ( maybe if india invested in making stable bridges ppl wud go shit under there :S)
omg.. u r so sad.. why the hell where u even thinking about ppl n how they pee n shit.. its none of ur business.. if they wana do ther business in the middle of the road thn go ahead! khalas get over it.
November 04 11:00 PM
(no name)
What upsets someone the most would be this. For someone with, surprisingly knowing your demeanour, such a command over the language your a complete, in your words, noob. Outside your internet access, your vocabulary revolves around the 4 words, gay, noob, mother and f***. It's nice to see that once in a while you DO show your true colours. Maybe you oughta do it more often, whatsay?
I'm just kidding bro.... (Or am I...dun dun dunnnn)
Other than that..... Great piece... good fun to read... take care bro..
i am impressed by your observance but also disturbed by your ignorance to the street-living indians. they do more than shit on the streets... theyre the salt in the récipe - they add the 'little-something-extra' to our ever-loved india! lol
umm.. interesting to say the least. a fine portrayal of ur ability to use the english language, though what you wrote is disturbing. did you see nothing else but a few pissers? Lol.. and may i remind you that their intent is to relieve their bladder and not to entertain us nor do they look at us for entertainment. well written nonetheless.
Im sure Trent would love this too....hehe
your poetry is better.
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