Sane ramblings of an otherwise insane man (Revisited)..
It seems strangely frightening that i have stuck to topics concerned with 'doodoo'. I say that so as not to insult, or in fact, disgust some of my readers. It goes to show how nice, decent & innocent I am. Oh, and let's not forget honest. I believe that no matter what certain people say. After all, you are what you say you are. Therefore, I am what I say I am, and as usual you are wrong..
Anyway, it's time we moved on. Let us go to the topic of eating cats. Eating cats you say? Why, of course. Seeing that we are 'apparently' running out of chickens & cows to eat, people have resorted to eating cats. Gone is the time when people would throw a shoe at a cat meowing in the middle of the night. Now, you can just grab them, cook them & enjoy. It's a bit like 'fast' food. How did anyone not ever think of that before? Wonder how many calories a cat drumstick would have. People are actually suggesting recipes. How original & delightful. People should be this thoughtful more often. It would help make the world a better place.
By the by, in case someone did not understand, the above paragraph was 'sarcasm personified'. Eating cats? What is wrong with the idiots? Like I told my friend earlier, they might be mothers of kittens. How would 'you' like it if I caught your mother and cooked her. Then, to top it off, i ate her, gnawing on her legs like I would on a chicken's. Hmm. That actually sounds pretty horrible doesn't it? That's a rhetorical question right there, so do not waste time answering it. However, it goes to show why labourers are what they are. The idiots are too stupid to be anything else. No offense intended to any labourers reading this. Yeah right!